
EFL Finals

  • This House Prefers a world in which humans cannot experience nostalgia* *Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for something in the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations
  • EFL Semifinals

  • This House Would grant the power to pardon convicted criminals to pardoning committees instead of government executives (e.g. presidents, governors etc.)
  • ESL Finals

  • This House Supports the 10 pilots flying to their death
  • ESL Semifinals

  • Behind a veil of ignorance, This House Prefers to be born with an exceptionally high sense of self-awareness* *Self-awareness is one's innate ability to consciously know and understand their own character, feelings, motives, and desires
  • ESL Quarterfinals

  • This House Opposes the rise in anti-establishment discourse
  • Grand Final

  • This House Supports a decline in global reliance on the dollar
  • Semifinals

  • This House Prefers religions that "center the self" to religions that "reject the self"
  • Quarterfinals

  • This House Would ban the use of advanced analytics in political campaigns
  • Octofinals

  • This House Would ban corporate residential landlords* *Corporate residential landlords refers to corporations that own and maintain multiple apartments for the purpose of renting them out for residential use
  • Partial Double-Octofinals

  • This House Believes That the environmental movement should take more radical action in the fight against climate change (e.g., blocking roads, vandalism, blowing up pipelines etc.)
  • Round 9

  • This House Opposes the pressure to focus on promoting one's career at the expense of forming a family
  • Round 8

  • This House Prefers that the Eastern bloc countries had formed their own Union instead of joining the European Union (EU)
  • Round 7

  • This House Opposes the popularization of therapy speak
  • Round 6

  • In times of economic crisis, This House Would implement fiscal central banking
  • Round 5

  • This House Opposes the emphasis on the struggle against the Ottoman Empire in the history curriculum of Balkan countries
  • Round 4

  • This House Would prohibit companies from regulating the private behaviors of their employees in employment contracts* *e.g., mandatory drug tests, no smoking policies, regulating their employees' social media, prohibiting models/actors from dating etc.
  • Round 3

  • This House Believes That LGBTQ+ movements in developing countries should integrate patriotism into their messaging* *including actions such as celebrating LGBTQ+ soldiers, talking openly about being "queer and a patriot", displaying the pride flag with the national symbol, and avoiding actions such as supporting independence movements within the country or publicly criticizing nationalism
  • Round 2

  • This House Prefers the Franchise Model to the Qualifier Model for E-Sports leagues
  • Round 1

  • In disaster-prone areas, This House Would replace all state rebuilding and reconstruction efforts with direct cash transfers to affected citizens